
An outdated or faulty consumer unit can be a severe safety hazard, so it’s crucial to have a safe and up-to-date one in your home. This article will discuss the importance of an upgrade, the signs that it may be necessary, and the benefits of upgrading to a newer model. We will also cover what’s involved in a consumer unit upgrade, how to choose the right electrician, and what you can expect in terms of costs and timeframes.

If you’re considering a consumer unit upgrade, you can keep reading to learn more about this essential home upgrade.

Signs that your consumer unit needs an upgrade

If you are experiencing any of the following signs, it may be time to upgrade your consumer unit.

Outdated fuse board

An outdated fuse board is one of the most common signs that your consumer unit needs an upgrade. If your home still has an old-fashioned fuse board that uses fuses instead of circuit breakers, it’s time to consider upgrading to a modern one. Fuses can be unreliable and unsafe and are less effective at protecting your home from electrical hazards.

Frequent tripping of circuit breakers

If your circuit breakers are frequently tripping, it could be a sign that your consumer unit cannot handle your home’s electrical demands. Overloading can cause the circuit breakers to trip, a safety feature that protects your home from electrical fires. However, if it happens frequently, it could indicate that your consumer unit needs an upgrade to handle your home’s electrical load.

A burning smell or scorch marks

If you smell a burning odour or notice scorch marks around your fuse board, it’s time to consider an upgrade. These signs could indicate an issue with the wiring, and it could be a potential fire hazard. In addition, an upgraded consumer unit will provide better protection for your home’s electrical appliances and devices.

Flickering lights or other electrical issues

If you notice flickering lights or other electrical issues, it could be a sign that your consumer unit is not functioning correctly. Loose connections, faulty wiring, or a damaged fuse board could cause it. An upgrade will ensure that your home’s electrical system is operating efficiently and safely.

Benefits of upgrading your consumer unit

Upgrading your consumer unit comes with several benefits.

Increased safety and reduced risk of electrical fires

An upgraded fuse board will protect your home and your family from electrical hazards. In addition, it can reduce the risk of electrical fires, which can be dangerous and costly.

Better protection for your home’s electrical appliances and devices

An upgraded consumer unit can also provide better protection for your home’s electrical appliances and devices. It will ensure that they receive the correct power and reduce the risk of damage or malfunction.

Compliance with current electrical regulations

Upgrading your fuse board will ensure that your home complies with current electrical regulations. This is important for your safety and can also prevent issues when selling your home.

Potential increase in your home’s value

Upgrading your consumer unit can also increase the value of your home. It is a valuable upgrade that can make your home more attractive to potential buyers, especially if it’s an older property.

What’s involved in a consumer unit upgrade

A consumer unit upgrade involves replacing your existing fuse board with a newer, safer model. Here’s what you can expect from the process.

Explanation of the process

The first step in a consumer unit upgrade is to hire a qualified and registered electrician. They will assess your home’s electrical needs and advise you on the best one for your property. Once you’ve chosen a consumer unit, the electrician will install it, replacing your old fuse board.

What to expect during the installation

During the installation, your electrician will turn off the power to your home and disconnect the existing consumer unit. They will then install the new fuse board, ensuring that all the wirings are appropriately connected and that the unit is functioning correctly. The electrician will also test the system to ensure it’s safe and compliant with electrical regulations.

Potential costs and time frames

The cost of a consumer unit upgrade will depend on the size of your property, the type of brand and model you choose, and the amount of work involved in the installation. On average, you can expect to pay between £600 to £1,000 for a consumer unit upgrade. The time frame for the installation will also depend on the size of your property and the amount of work involved, but most installations can be completed within a day.

It’s important to note that the cost of a consumer unit upgrade is a worthwhile investment in the safety and efficiency of your home’s electrical system. Choosing a qualified and registered electrician is also essential to ensure that the work is done correctly and safely.

Choosing the right electrician for your consumer unit upgrade

Qualified electrician testing a consumer unit upgrade.

Upgrading your consumer unit is a complex job that requires the skills and expertise of a qualified and registered electrician. Here are some things to remember when choosing the right electrician for your consumer unit upgrade.

Importance of hiring a qualified and registered electrician

One of the most important things to consider when choosing an electrician for your consumer unit upgrade is their qualifications and registration. A qualified electrician has been trained and has the knowledge to carry out electrical work safely. At the same time, registration ensures that the electrician is authorised and legally allowed to carry out the work. Therefore, it’s essential to ask the electrician for their qualifications and registration information before hiring them.

Whilst times are tough, and a fuse board upgrade can be expensive, the risks of not hiring a qualified electrician are far too severe.

If you’re looking for an electrician in Bournemouth and Poole we would love to have the opportunity to provide you with a free, no-obligation quote.

How to find a reliable electrician

There are several ways to find a reliable electrician for your consumer unit upgrade. You can ask for recommendations from family and friends or look for electricians online or in local directories. Check with trade associations like the National Inspection Council for Electrical Installation Contracting (NICEIC) or The National Association of Professional Inspectors and Testers (NAPIT) for a list of registered electricians in your area.

It’s also recommended to look at services such as Checkatrade and Which? Trusted Trader, both of which verify the reviews posted.

What to ask and look for when choosing an electrician

When choosing an electrician for your consumer unit upgrade, it’s essential to ask the right questions to ensure they are qualified and experienced. Here are some questions to consider.

  • Are you a registered electrician?
  • Do you have experience with consumer unit upgrades?
  • Can you provide references from previous clients? For example, via Checkatrade or Which? Trusted Trader.
  • Are you insured for the work you carry out?
  • Can you provide a written quote for the work?
  • How long do you estimate the work will take to complete?

In addition to these questions, it’s also essential to look for an electrician who is courteous, reliable, and professional. You want to work with someone you feel comfortable communicating with and who will treat your home respectfully.

By finding a qualified and reliable electrician, you can ensure that your fuse board upgrade is completed safely and efficiently, giving you peace of mind and a safer electrical system for your home.


In conclusion, having an up-to-date consumer unit is crucial for the safety and efficiency of your home’s electrical system. Upgrading your fuse board can provide numerous benefits, including increased safety, better protection for your electrical appliances and devices, compliance with current electrical regulations, and even a potential increase in your home’s value.

Suppose you notice signs that your consumer unit may need an upgrade, such as an outdated fuse board, frequent circuit breaker tripping, burning smells or scorch marks, or flickering lights. In that case, taking action and considering a consumer unit upgrade is essential.

When you choose an electrician for your consumer unit upgrade, please look for a qualified and registered electrician with experience and a professional attitude. By finding the right electrician, you can ensure that the upgrade is completed safely, efficiently, and with minimal disruption to your home.

Overall, upgrading is a worthwhile investment in your home’s safety and efficiency. We encourage you to consider a consumer unit upgrade if you still need to do so and consult with a qualified electrician for more information and guidance. With a safer and more reliable electrical system, you can have peace of mind and enjoy your home confidently.